
Maximum Entropy toolbox for MATLAB

View the Project on GitHub orimaoz/maxent_toolbox



Initializes a new maximum entropy model of a specified type. After creating a model, you will probably want to fit it to the experimental data with trainModel.


model = maxent.createModel(ncells,model_string)
model = maxent.createModel(ncells,'highorder',correlations)
model = maxent.createModel(ncells,'composite',inner_models)
model = maxent.createModel(ncells,model_string,Name,Value,...)


Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments (in the form of name,value pairs)


Example usage

Create a pairwise maximum entropy model:
model = maxent.createModel(100,'pairwise')
Create a maximum entropy models with moments x1x2, x3x5x7x8, x2x3:
model = maxent.createModel(30,'highorder',{[1 3],[3 5 7 8],[2 3]})
Create an RP model with 500 projections and an average indegree of 5
model = maxent.createModel(30,'rp','nprojections',500,'indegree',5)
Create a composite model consisting of an indepedent model, population synchrony and third-order correlations:
m1 = maxent.createModel(20,'indep');
m2 = maxent.createModel(20,'ksync');
m3 = maxent.createModel(20,'highorder',num2cell(nchoosek(1:30,3),2));
model = maxent.createModel(20,'composite',{m1,m2,m3});