
Maximum Entropy toolbox for MATLAB

View the Project on GitHub orimaoz/maxent_toolbox

Frequently asked questions

Does the maxent toolbox support python?

There is an experimental port to Python but it is relatively immature and lacks some of the optimizations that the MATLAB version has. Contact us if you are interested in trying it out.

Can I use the maxent toolbox to learn distributions of non-binary inputs (for example spike counts)?

The current version only supports binary patterns. In theory the same approach will work for other inputs, but some of the optimizations we used to make the package run faster made use of the assumption that each input dimension is either 0 or 1. We might extend the toolbox to support larger ranges of inputs if there is sufficient demand so let us know.

Support for multi-core? MIC/GPU?

The maxent package uses a single CPU core, which was useful for us because we used a computing cluster where each node had access to a single core. Making the package multi-core (or adding GPU support) is non-trivial because of the inherently sequential nature of MCMC techniques, but as before let us know if you think this would have a big impact on you.